Saturday, November 10, 2012

What traveling should look like...

Just wanted to put up a quick post this morning passing along something Dan showed me from a fellow poker players life outside of the US....

Here is a video that is mesmerizing to me showing another poker players travels through Indonesia, Malaysia (Borneo), Philippines, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Burma, India. He spent about a month per country, with 3 months in India. 

Not all travel looks the same...but this is one amazing view of what travel should look like. Hope you enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. wow wow wow....thats the kind of travelling we all imagine yall are doing.....thats the kind I dream of doing....guess you could make a movie of castle's jutaposed with apartment scenes, you cooking, chopping, cleaning or modern vs old castle loo's....that player has a movie makeing future!
