Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Prague- Castles, Clocks and Love Locks

Food Tents in Wenceslas Square & handmade marionettes
Sorry for the delay in this blog...we've been experiencing some issues with Blogger, our pictures and getting this thing to work! A learning curve for sure.....but here is our Prague Blog.....

We've made it to Prague. It's our second to last stop in Europe and we feel like we've picked a great place to be for our last month over here. On Saturday we did our typical touring day around the city. We saw the Prague Castle, Charles Bridge, Old Town Square, the Astronomical Clock, the Love Lock bridge, John Lennon wall and more. We also were part of a Czech music video! Pretty busy Saturday...

The clock, Churches in Old Town Square, and a music video

The Castle was like a little village inside the walls, but we wandered around and saw St. Vitus' Cathedral. Since the hike up to the castle was pretty steep, we were able to get great views of the city when we left the castle area and were overlooking all of Prague.

View from Charles Bridge, Dan in front of Charles Bridge, Statue on Bridge

On our walk back down to the center we stopped beside the river and watched the enormous geese & ducks for a bit before stopping into a traditional Czech beer garden for a pint of Pilsner Urquell- a very popular Czech beer.

All Castle Pictures

Since we have seen so many churches and castles while being over here I try to find a few off the beaten path things to see on our days out too. On the list for Saturday was the Love Lock bridge and the John Lennon Wall. In full disclosure, the Love Lock bridge was an idea from the Bachelorette when Emily Maynard was here in Prague it was one of the day dates. We have read about these bridges popping up all over Europe, but we waiting until Prague to put out lock on the bridge.

View leaving Castle, Dan & a Pilsner, the ducks

The John Lennon wall was interesting. It's a smallish wall right next to the bridge and out of the way of most tourist paths. It has been painted over again and again both with graffiti and whitewash from the secret police in the 1980's. Since 1989 tourists have been making their marks all over the wall too. It was a symbol and political focus for Czech youth during communism and up to the Velvet Revolution.

Lennon Wall & Love Lock Bridge

After all of our traipsing around town, we ended the day with a nice dinner on the rooftop terrace of the U Prince hotel in the middle of Old Town Square. It is glassed in during the winter months so we were still able to enjoy the great views of Prague at night. It was an all around great day out. SO far we are enjoying Prague and still trying to find our way around for groceries and daily stuff. It is much more touristy than we remember Vienna being though. Hopefully we will head out again this weekend for some more sightseeing.

Check back later this week for updates. Hope everyone back home had a great weekend. A Notre Dam win- as stressful as that game was- makes everything better! 

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