Thursday, May 17, 2012

Barcelona Sites

After Amsterdam Ben, Dan & I went to Barcelona for 3 weeks. I caught some major virus in Amsterdam and was sick in bed for the first week we were in Spain. Ben caught it as we were leaving Amsterdam, and eventually Dan caught it. So our first two weeks were spent recovering and trying to get back on our feet.

So the boys treated Barcelona as a work stop since we were in one place for 3 whole weeks. However, the internet did not cooperate all of the time making it a bit difficult to consistently work. All in all, Barcelona was our least favorite stop. In fairness, we didn't get out as much as we should have, we were living in a surrounding neighborhood a little outside of the City Center, and we were all a bit toured out.

Dan and I did take a day or two to get out and see some of the sights while we were there though. Below are pictures from our time in Barcelona:

La Sagrada Familia

"Ladies" in the Park

One of the 3 facades of the Sagrada Familia

La Pedrera also work of Gaudi

Dan at La Pedrera

The Sagrada Familia is a very large and extravagant Roman Catholic church in Barcelona. Antoni Gaudi was the architect for the project from 1883 until his death in 1926 when the church was only 15% to 20% completed. It actually isn't projected to be finished until 2028! They offer entrance tickets and tours to pay for the ongoing construction as well as private donations. It was made a UNESCO World Heritage Site even though it is still incomplete.

The church has 3 facades- the Glory facade, the Passion facade and the Nativity facade. All three are very different in design and look, but each has the feel of Gaudi's work. Once the spires atop the church are complete, La Sagrada Familia will be the tallest church building in the world.

The last two pictures show another work of Gaudi- Casa Mila or La Pedrera. It is an apartment building that was originally built for a wealthy couple and designed by Gauid. It was officially completed in 1912. At the time it was constructed, new designs were implemented such as separate lifts for owners and their servants as well as an underground car park. This building is also a UNESCO World Heritage site and is open to the public for tours at a price.

I am glad Dan and I got to see what we did while in Barcelona. Looking back we did enjoy wandering around the city on the days we got out. But tomorrow I will show you some of a great food we had while in Barcelona. Of course, the tapas never disappoint!

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