Friday, May 18, 2012

Barcelona Eats

Obviously we like to eat. We like good food and we like to try new food. As I looked over past blogs, I have seen a trend about the food we eat....good thing I'm enjoying the gym too :)

Below are a bunch of pictures of food. Plain and simple food. 

Huevos Rancheros at Federal Cafe

Homemade Salmon & Mushroom Risotto @ home

Pollo in Potacchio @ home. Amazing at home Latin dish. Recipe to come.

One night towards the end of our Barcelona trip we went our for tapas with the Kennell's. We felt like we couldn't be in Spain without trying what they are known for. So we all headed out to a great little restaurant for some fabulous dishes.

Kennell's trying out anchovies

Mini burger 

Gourmet Hotdogs


These crazy fries with an egg on top with hot sauce

A pork sandwich with roasted peppers

Spanish sausage tapas

Before picture of amazing fries

A Spanish omlette

Divine chocolate lava cakes

We hated it    :)

On our last night in Barcelona with Ben, the three of us headed out for beers at a cute Belgian Beer Bar. We had a great time and it was fun to wrap up our month long tour over drinks.

Trying out beers

We are headed to Scotland on Monday for a few days for a mini vacation. I will try to blog as much as possible at the beginning of the week...if not, there will be a few fun blogs all about our Scotland trip at the end of the week.

Have a great weekend! Memphis people- enjoy Barbeque Fest for us too!

1 comment:

  1. with the exception of lava cake ( good everywhere) i think i can pass on Spains food!
