Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Many Myers in London

Family Photo
This past weekend, Dan and I went to London for the day to see his parents who were just arriving in town. For the last few months they have been planning a two week tour through the UK, and we had the chance to spend their first day with them in the city.

An actual engine of the train Queen Victoria used
travel to Windsor in 1842
London is only about a 3 hour train ride from Manchester, so we took the morning train out and came back late that night after dinner. We were very excited to see some familiar faces over on our side of the world!

A fancypants car show on the lawn while the Queen is
in Scotland for the weekend.
When we arrived we all grabbed a quick lunch and boarded a bus headed to Windsor Castle about an hour outside of London. Sweet Lou & Momo- that's what we call them- are on a tour with Globus so there was a tour guide who told us all about the sites along the way and he even guided us through the the Royal Apartments once we arrived to Windsor. Dan and I laughed immediately as we boarded the bus because it was definitely a glimpse into our life 25 years or so from now!

Royal Guard
Windsor Castle is one of the 5 homes that the Queen has access to. It is one she spends her weekends at mostly and it is gorgeous. There are ceremonies and state dinners held there as well. We toured the Royal Apartments which showed many of the older rooms used by kings and queens from long ago. The walls were lined with antique armor, china, gifts from various dignitaries and many other royal artifacts. You can't take any pictures inside of the castle...cue all outdoor shots.

In 1992 there was a huge fire at Windsor Castle, but it has been completely restored and the items and furniture were all saved from the fire by the staff and Prince Andrew so we were seeing original items. We had a great time wandering the grounds and taking pictures with the Royal Guards.

And our turn....
Once we were back in London after our tour we headed to Bumpkin, a great restaurant that our friend Nicole took us to when we were in London last time. It has british style food and is delish! Sweet Lou had a traditional Sunday Roast and a Bumpkin beer. Momo went for the Shepherd's Pie. Dan tried out Lamb rump and roasted neck fillet, while I played it safe with the sea bass. The food was so good again this time, and of course it's not a meal at Bumpkin without their amazing Sticky Toffee Pudding! We even ended up running into Nicole on our way out as she was sitting down with friends for dinner. Such a small world!

Queen Victoria 
All in all it was a wonderful trip. So glad we were able to spend the day with the Myers since the wedding weekend was so crazy I felt like I didn't really get to see them. I am very excited to hear all about their trip once they get back. They are going to be seeing some really cool sites and traveling all over the UK.

Dan with his swan friends on the Thames
Hope everyone had a great weekend too! We are sticking out our last 3 weeks here in Manchester and gearing up for our move to Vienna for October. More to come in the following weeks so keep checking back!

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