Thursday, September 6, 2012

Notre Dame Game in Dublin

Group picture at the Guinness Factory

We have the best friends ever. Unmatched, hands down, no questions- the BEST friends ever. This past weekend in Dublin only proved this fact even more. They are all so smart and fun and welcoming and there for us and each other. I don't know how we got so lucky, but these are the best people to be able to call friends.

Friday night dinner at Fire

After our little debacle with immigration, we reorganized our life & suitcase for an epic weekend in Dublin, Ireland for the Notre Dame vs. Navy football game. This is the first game we have seen in a few season and the only one we will get to attend this season so we knew we had to make it count.

Game Day

Along with the 33,000 other people traveling from the US for the game- a record crowd traveling for one single sporting event in history- 10 of our best friends came over to Dublin and we all enjoyed dinners, tailgating, bars and the game together.

Sunday Funday watching Gaelic Football

On Friday everyone met up for dinner at a great restaurant, Fire, in downtown Dublin. I guess I assumed when planning this trip that everyone knew each other from the business school, but I was wrong. So Friday's dinner was even better with people meeting for the first time and Dan's and my friends all mingling and getting to know one another. It is a strange thing to see different parts of your life all collide, but strange in the best way.

Our amazing nightlife tour guides Molly & John

Molly Eyerman and her friend John had studied in Dublin when we were in college, so they were the nightlife tour guides. We hit all of the fun Friday night spots and even found a bar that was similar to our favorite bar in South Bend. These places were full of Notre Dame fans more so than Irish people, but we loved it.

Notre Dame Tailgate at Temple Bar

On Saturday we all got up and met in town to tailgate. Megan, Justin, Dan & I stopped by the Notre Dame tailgate in Temple Bar and ran into other people we knew from school. It almost made it feel like we were back in South Bend...but with Guinness. So many people were in Dublin for the game and it was the perfect Saturday game day. We then met up with everyone else at a pub to enjoy some pregame rituals before heading to the stadium.

In front of Aviva Stadium

Obviously the game was great. We definitely don't have any room to complain when we score 50 points. It was fun to see real American football in person and the Aviva stadium was incredible.

With Sebastian Lara!

After the game we all headed to another pub- seeing a theme here?- and caught up with other ND fans and friends from school. Dan and I ran into Sebastian Lara who I have known since the 5th grade in Memphis. He's a doctor in D.C. now and we don't see each other as often, but it was great to catch up and reminisce about move in weekend freshman year with his family and all things that have happened since.

Street Windows we all Decorated

After a typically Irish dinner at Captain America's- not Irish at all in fact, we just wanted some food and American football on TV- we headed out again to celebrate birthday's and relive college. We were getting pretty good at that by night #2!

Perfect Pour Masters

On Sunday, the group met for a brunch and a tour of the Guinness Factory. It was really fun and a great Sunday activity. Lots of people, mostly game fans, were there as well so it made it an even better experience. We were able to learn the "perfect pour" and get Guinness certified. A resume plus, I think!

Sunday night at The Bank

Sunday night was our final group dinner at the Bank, which is the old Irish bank redone into a large restaurant and bar. We were celebrating Molly's birthday so obviously there was cake. We had a great time and the food was really good. Even though Erica- our waitress- had a little trouble with the whole "surprise her with a birthday dessert" we made it work in the end.

At St. Stephen's Green 

A few of the couples had early morning flights on Monday so it was the end of the road for the group trip, but all in all it was a huge success. I really can't believe how lucky Dan and I are to have such amazing friends who make every situation a really fun time. This was one of, if not our best vacation in a long long time. This week has been sad realizing the trip is over, but I am already trying to figure out another place we can meet up and celebrate together again.

Big group love

Getting to spend this weekend with friends was exactly what we needed. We are constantly reminded how amazing and crucial to our life our family and friends are. We can't thank y'all enough for loving us and giving us so many great memories. Can't wait to do it all again!

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