Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Back in Business...

We're back. I feel like after a few months of diligently blogging I take a month long vacay from posting and then have a lot of catching up to do. Nothing new about this post today. This is the "hi, I'm sorry I'm such a delinquent blogger, but I promise to be better. To prove my point here is an excessively long post about our life over the last 4 weeks." Again, nothing new today. Here it goes-

For about 3 weeks in August I went back to the USA to visit family and help with Dan's cousin, Elizabeth's, wedding. It was the most amazing 3 weeks ever. I was able to spend time with my family in Memphis, celebrate my sisters birthday, and be home. Since I had not been back in the States for 7 months it was nice to do American things, eat American food, enjoy ESPN and sunny summer weather. The little things make all of the difference! We also were able to see and snuggle with Finnegan, our cat. He loves being at my parents house with Harry Winston, but I think he was secretly glad to see Dan...and me a little bit. ;)

Then I went over to North Carolina and spent time in Raleigh with Dan's Aunt Mary Jo, Uncle Rick, cousins Elizabeth & Ricky, Megan and the boys- Brady & Caleb. We spent much of the time getting all of the finishing touches ready for the wedding, but I also saw friends from work and was able to get some classes in at my gym back home. I am so beyond lucky to have such a great family to be part of through my marriage. They have been amazing and welcoming and it felt just like I was with my own family. The wedding was a gorgeous and perfect. We are so happy for Stephen and Elizabeth!

Dan came over to the States right before the wedding and stayed for about 5 days when we came back to England together. We were able to celebrate his birthday with his family over the wedding weekend and then with my family in Memphis with some bbq and banana pudding.

When we arrived in England we hit a little snag with the immigration department- a blog post for tomorrow- but everything is fine now. We are currently in Manchester until October 1st. After that we will be spending the month of October in Vienna, Austria and November in Prague. An exciting fall to look forward to for sure.

This past weekend we were lucky enough to go to the Notre Dame football game in Dublin with a group of friends from college. We had the best time! It was a perfect vacation and American football was on our turf...nothing better! I promise a big post about the weekend sometime this week full of stories and pictures.

On Sunday, September 9th we are headed to London to spend the day with Dan's parents who are in town to start a 2 week UK tour. We are going to spend the day sightseeing and catching up before they meet up with their tour group and we head back to Manchester to prepare for our move.

Overall, things are great. I am still homesick a bit- we didn't have much time between the immigration mess and going to Dublin to re-acclimate, but it is a work in progress. I am sure after a week back on track with running and cooking dinners I will be fine :)

Look for more posts this week...and in the weeks to follow. We still have some things to do in Manchester before moving so I will be posting on all of that fun stuff.

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