Monday, June 25, 2012

Olympic Fever & Euro Cup Soccer

Sorry for the week delay in be honest, there hasn't been much going on here to post about.

Dan has been busy busy busy working away. I've been keeping busy with daily stuff. Nothing special to report.

We are going to London this weekend for a few days. Very excited to see the city, explore, catch some of Wimbledon, and most importantly, hang out with friends! Cate and Anthony will be in London at the same time so we are going to get to see them and spend time together. Also, our backyard neighbor  from NC, Nicole, is working in London for 10 months so we are going to get to hang out with her too! Knowing that we get to see friends this weekend is what has kept us going for the past few weeks :)

This weekend we did take a break for some fun. On Saturday, the Olympic torch came through Manchester so we lined the street Saturday evening to see the relay. It was fun, but very quick. When the Olympics were in Atlanta a while back, we were lucky enough to have the torch come through Memphis and we went out to see it. It's a very cool experience if you get the chance to partake. To me it seems to crazy that it is lit in Greece and carried all around the world before arriving at the site of the Olympics. Needless to say, the UK is getting quite excited for the games to start. Some of the football matches are even going to be held in Manchester at Old Trafford Stadium, so that is making the city buzz even more!

At the start of the parade...seems to be having fun

Trying on my paper hat and waving the flag

Dan having none of the hat...over it

The bus with the other runners and extra torches

The torch!

London Bound flame...

Another fun thing that has been going on for a few weeks is the Euro Cup Soccer Tournament- I don't think that's the actual name at all...but you get what I mean. All of the Euro countries have a team that play in a tournament after the regular season is over. England was doing so well, but sadly they lost in a shoot out last night to Italy. We had a fun time going to The Lost Dene to watch the games. It is definitely different than league play since everyone in the bar is cheering for the same team this time around. Quite a fun atmosphere.

Not too much else to report. We are off to London on Friday so next week check back for pictures and stories from our trip.

Hope things are going well in the States. One month until I get to come home for a few weeks! We are counting down the days for our American summer break. (As you can tell from the pictures it is still cold here. In the 50's and rainy mostly. So we are so pumped for some sunshine and hot temps while we are, a tan wouldn't kill either of us. Just saying.)

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