Wednesday, June 6, 2012

3 Years Ago....

It is crazy to think that three years ago today, Dan and I said 'I Do." In some ways it feels like it was just yesterday we were surrounded by all of our friends and family celebrating. In other ways, I think we've had a lifetime together in just 3 years. I can say with out a doubt that each year has been better than the one before and that we are better together now than we were 36 months ago.

So much has happened in these last three years that we never could have expected when we were on that altar. I think moving alone, we've packed and unpacked 6+ times...not including the month of March where we lived in three different places. Jobs have changed, addresses are different, hundreds of meals have been shared, but together Dan and I have grown into a team. Some days this outcome never seemed possible, but I am so lucky to have found my match.

And since I have the best husband in the world, he is surprising me today with a totally planned anniversary celebration. I have no idea what it is or where we are going...all I know is that I don't have to cook dinner :)  I'm excited to see what the year ahead has for us. I can't really think much more long term than that. Even a year out seems to be a stretch with how things change in our lives. But this time next year I am sure I will be more in love with Dan- if that's possible- and celebrating another year of journeys and memories.

Happy anniversary Danny! And many many more to come. The adventures we are having now are the kinds people hope to tell their children and grandchildren about. I am so glad (and lucky) that I get to have these adventures with you. 

1 comment:

  1. My sweet, talented baby girl! Three years already....hard to believe! I have cried yet again as I read your blog and remember the day your father gave you to Dan. So very beautiful, you, Dan, the Mass and the reception! Your journey is so young but so full have grown so much and experienced things I never dreamed you would....Dan and you are certainly "team myers" in every way! Continue to enjoy your journey...celebrate your marriage and know that all is possible when you have the one you love by your side! Mom
