Thursday, May 31, 2012

Our Life in Manchester, UK

I was so busy trying to catch y'all up on the fun trips we've taken over the last few months that I realized I forgot to post much about our life in Manchester. You know, the day to day stuff, the routine, the fun things we've done in this city.

So here is a bit of a rundown on our normal life in Manchester...which we love!

Our day to day is pretty normal...really! We are doing the exact same things you are doing, but in a place without Target, ESPN or Kroger.

Dan works most of the day. I go to the gym, cook, clean, occasionally blog, and try to figure out our next move (ongoing process...) We have been out on the town a few times, mostly on Sunday's to watch Euro football games at our local pub The Lost Dene. It's very casual and friendly, plus they have great beer specials and it's always packed.

Below are some pictures of our fun things around the city. More to come this week I am sure.

The Arch in China Town

Went to Pizza Express for lunch. My favorite place from
my 7th grade spring break in Europe. 14 year old Katie
was loving it :)

Watching the Manchester City vs. Manchester United game
at home. The bars were either packed or not showing the
game. Apparently things get violent around here afterwards.

The Kennell's came to visit! The boys at The Lost Dene.

Girls Pic

City won the Premiere League. Here they are setting up the
square for the big parade.

We made friends! This is Owen & Dan out one night.

Martin & Lauren

Everyone playing pool

So that's about it for now. So many fun things have been going on in Manchester since we've been here. We are really looking forward to this weekend- the Queen's Jubilee Celebration. Not sure what we will do, but there should be plenty of things happening. Also, next week starts Euro League football so more trips to The Lost Dene seem to be in our future.

Hope everyone is having a great short week. It's almost the weekend!

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